I try to keep this blog as unbiased, Religiously and Politically, as I can, but I must admit, Its HARD for me. I slipped up this once.
Stephen Hawking's newest theory states: The universe could have had its
rapid expansion with gravity and quantum physics: Quantum physics is: "
...also known as quantum physics or quantum theory, is a branch of
physics providing a mathematical description of much of the dual
particle-like and wave-like behavior and interactions of energy and
matter." Ok well you can't make everything from nothing and Quantum
Physics states plainly that you need matter. Ok but thats were gravity
comes in right? nope, gravity first off isnt matter, its a force, not
even energy. Second off, Gravity doesnt exist in the void of space
because Gravity is the interaction of two objects of matter. So Hawkings
new theory is extremely flawed in every way shape and form. There is
no matter to start out with, hence making gravity non-existant and
making quantum physics unapplicable. I am constantly showing time and
time again that evolution itself is so absurd that it makes these
intelligent men and women absurd themselves. This and other pieces of
junk these "scientists" try to throw at us is simply making me become
stronger in my faith. To me it sounds like Hawkings is trying to throw
together some big fancy words in an attempt to convince the plebic
society that the dying theory, that he works so hard to keep alive, is
actually true.
Honestly I think its more like the Hypothesis of Evolution and not a theory...but that's another topic.
Again, excuse me for my religiously biased post.
Agree 100% here. I've been saying all along that it is simply impossible for nothing to have created everything. It absolutely baffles me how tough this is for people to figure out. People try way too hard to come up with these theories that allegedly disprove God. If people can "disprove" God, than they will have no one to hold them accountable. That's all it is. It's just a way to justify their sinning.