There are SO many things that affect productivity in the world: color, language, diet, religion, foundations, families, politics, morale, and more, but I have come to discover that all of these things fall under either Time or Climate. So I am thus now making this productivity series filled with sub-effectors: Today's will be language.
(Language falls under time category) (Colour falls under Language and Morale Categories).
Every language has different words for different things, they are said differently, some languages have more words, some have less, but we all manage to communicate. But because of the differences in languages, some people see things in different ways than others. In the Time video, we noticed that Sicily does not have a way to make a verb future tense. So nothing gets done! Colour also affects the productivity, different languages say colours in different ways. We see purple and blue as two different colours, but some see purple as a shade of blue. This can possibly affect morale, and coordination. Morale, because we get happy when we see certain colours, and if those colours are really just other colours, then things might be more gloomy...or more prosperous.
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