RANT! I am soooo tired of going onto youtube and EVERY music video has some stupid kid that is like "The dislike bar is bigger than Justin Beiber's dick" or "This artist should have a quadrillion more views than JB" or something along those lines. EVERY MUSIC VIDEO!!!!!! I do not exaggerate, spend a day on youtube and just look at all the songs you love, I almost guarantee there will be at least one JB comment. Its soooo annoying. Justin Beiber isnt good enough to deserve a comment on every video. And if there isnt a JB comment there is some stupid, callow and pathetic Religious or Political argument. And if I call one of those pathetic then you better know it is.
Fun Fact: (actually its kinda...idk find your own word) Mosquitoes are attracted to Bananas. If you have banana in your blood you will be choice number one for the little buggers! Don't bring bananas to camping trips. I must have had banana starburst or something because I went to the Tetons a few weeks ago and I was covered in bites!!!
http://xkcd.com/202/ and http://xkcd.com/481/