Life isn't necessarily fair. Liberals are all about maintaining fairness and they take it to the point of being unreasonable. Being fair is great. But lets be reasonable! These groups (often Liberal) take large measures to bring fairness not just to everyone but everyTHING.
A past blog post talked about the Delta Smelt and how these groups shut down people's farms to "save" this tiny minnow-like fish. Now I say that is taking things too far! Im up for fairness, most conservatives are! But I and others like me try and hope for a government that maintains as much fairness as possible without hurting the nation or losing their reason.
Think about it: Animal Rights Activists, Vegans (and people like them), Extreme Environmentalists, Socialists/Communists, advocates for the "distribution of the wealth", hippies and even evolutionists (note most of these groups are primarily or solely liberal) all can be drawn to being based around equality and fairness. Humanity obviously has a desire and a struggle to maintain an equilibrium and peace between everyone and apparently now, everything.
Unfortunately mankind is just not able to function with a system that would provide that.
Attempts to keep everyone "fair" only allows for countless holes for Corruption and Manipulation. Thats how Stalin and Lenin Operated and even Hitler. A system (like Communism) was developed to provide universial fairness to each individual. Well when you are operating the system you can easily pop up and twist the system to do your will rather than the people's.
The Pattern in History as Marx put it is that there are exploiters and the alienated (the exploited). Although Marx did not realize that there are always exploiters and the alienated in any government. In Marx's ideal government it had the perfect opportunities for the people keeping other people in fairness to rise up and become the exploiters. Just like what happened during the French Revolution with Robspierre.
The Exploiters NEVER leave, they just take different forms. In Capitalism the exploiters are the CEOs and the corporate fat cats. But the Nice thing about Capitalism is that the greed of all the exploiters keeps the whole system in relative check and ensures that the exploited aren't as exploited as they would be otherwise. So because the very thing that exploits the exploited is kept in check by competing exploiters, Capitalism is still the best system we can use that we know of.
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