Monthly Headlines

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veterans Day Dedication

As we sit here...thinking... thinking about tomorrow's schedule, or maybe today's, your friendships, relationships, family, thinking about what to make for dinner, what to wear to dinner, where to go for dinner, why we eat dinner, how to properly eat dinner, who to eat dinner with, how much dinner to eat, and what to eat tomorrow,

your answers might be:
 Roast Beef with Potatoes, possibly something niceish today, Sizzler, because we need food and its a good way to bond. with politeness and silverware, family or friends?, enough but not too much because Im watching my weight, and what about Wild Rice Soup??

A Soldier overseas might answer:
Whatever slop they make me, what I wear everyday, mess hall where else would I go, because it gives the energy to fight, like its your last because it might just be, with your best friends because they might not be there tomorrow, as much as you can, whatever they make me granted that I'm here tomorrow.

Lets not take for granted the food we eat and who gives us the freedom to have it in abundance.

~Thank You Veterans and Current Soldiers fighting overseas~

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