As a child, anticipating his gift, would shake the box with a colorful tag addressing his/her own name. Mankind has a tendency to pry into what he ought not. If the child breaks the gift, then its all over, that gift is trash, and he bawls and whines and throws a fit... If Mankind, in his prying, goes too far, what ever it is they were working on breaks and mankind throws a fit. Like in Politics, if we just keep it effective yet simple then things might work smoother, but if we try to pry into private lives and put up a gazillion new laws then we might just step too far and the system will break. So this year, be grateful for what you do have and what you do receive, don't be greedy, envious, jealous or selfish and the chances of your life breaking down might just be lower.
Merry Christmas!
The Back Cover of a book is where, usually, the author puts what people said about his book. This blog is where things about this big ol' world are put. This is the World's Back Cover. " You can't get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me. " C. S. Lewis
Monthly Headlines
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Tis the season, is your shopping done?
I like how Americans have taken such festivity to Christmas, it means we are all excited about something in common, it represents unity, hope, joviality and jubilee. But I dislike how Christmas has become two things:
1: Liberal: Christmas has become way to liberal. "We cant offend anyone" they whine. I DONT CARE!!!! Christmas should be what it is, CHRISTMAS not Happy holidays not an Atheistic holiday, because its not! If they dont like it then they dont have to celebrate it.
2:Commercial: I also dislike how the industries take such advantage of Christmas and have assisted the Media in making Christmas a holiday about shopping, cookies and fat men. I am totally for all the add-ons (or most anyways) that Christmas has, but I believe they should be made by the culture and society. By the hearts and minds of the people. Not the Avarice and Greed of the Corporates and the Governments.
Thanks for listening to my little rant, feel free to comment, and Most of all. Merry Christmas ^_^
1: Liberal: Christmas has become way to liberal. "We cant offend anyone" they whine. I DONT CARE!!!! Christmas should be what it is, CHRISTMAS not Happy holidays not an Atheistic holiday, because its not! If they dont like it then they dont have to celebrate it.
2:Commercial: I also dislike how the industries take such advantage of Christmas and have assisted the Media in making Christmas a holiday about shopping, cookies and fat men. I am totally for all the add-ons (or most anyways) that Christmas has, but I believe they should be made by the culture and society. By the hearts and minds of the people. Not the Avarice and Greed of the Corporates and the Governments.
Thanks for listening to my little rant, feel free to comment, and Most of all. Merry Christmas ^_^
Santa Claus,
Friday, December 17, 2010
Dressing Room Peek
Hehehehehe I love FailBlog.
But it is just like me to find philosophy behind something funny. It is very teacher-like. Our government needs to be like THIS dressing room. We need to be able to see EVERYTHING that happens inside. We should also be able to see if something obscene occurs. This would make it less possible for there to be obscenity in our to do that.
Yay for government transparency!
But it is just like me to find philosophy behind something funny. It is very teacher-like. Our government needs to be like THIS dressing room. We need to be able to see EVERYTHING that happens inside. We should also be able to see if something obscene occurs. This would make it less possible for there to be obscenity in our to do that.
Yay for government transparency!
Comedy Night at the Cafe'
Suggestions for Comedians who are die-laughing funny
My 3 personal favorites are:
Tim Hawkins
Gabriel Iglesias
Brad Stine
Jeff Dunham is also good, but a little dirty...sometimes a lot of dirty.
My 3 personal favorites are:
Tim Hawkins
Gabriel Iglesias
Brad Stine
Jeff Dunham is also good, but a little dirty...sometimes a lot of dirty.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Let the little ones play...
I am beginning to think that we mature DOWNWARD from being a child. Some of the best world leaders have been children or adolescents! Alexander the Great, Louis XIV, King James I, King Josiah, Henry VI, were all brilliant leaders who ruled at a VERY young age. There are more examples, yet these three are bigger than most. Is the simplicity of a child's mind all we need? Do we need all these complex policies and stuff or can we thrive on the simple thoughts of the children?
The children are more mature than many adults in many aspects. My History Teacher put it "Now I'm not asking you to ask like adults, if you want to see how they act I can take you to a staff meeting."
Please Comment...
The children are more mature than many adults in many aspects. My History Teacher put it "Now I'm not asking you to ask like adults, if you want to see how they act I can take you to a staff meeting."
Please Comment...
Monday, December 13, 2010
Oh and by the way, feel free to...
COMMENT!!! I JUST FOUND A THINGY THAT ALLOWS EVERYONE TO COMMENT!!! Not just registered users, so COMMENT!!! PLEASE!!! I am sorry for not seeing that sooner.
Ditto on that Omlet, man!
Do you ever feel awkward when, at a restaurant, you order the EXACT same thing as someone else? No? Well you should!!! We need to take life in our own unique way and not try to force it down others throats!
Go live life the way you should. Your way. Now there are things that you may not know would be helpful and liked if you put them in. In example I mean that, for example, if you don't see religion as a thing that might boost your life, how would you know if you didn't try it? So don't live in your comfort zone but live your way.
Now I'm not saying you can't order the same thing as someone else. Lets just not try to copy someone else's lifestyle.
Go live life the way you should. Your way. Now there are things that you may not know would be helpful and liked if you put them in. In example I mean that, for example, if you don't see religion as a thing that might boost your life, how would you know if you didn't try it? So don't live in your comfort zone but live your way.
Now I'm not saying you can't order the same thing as someone else. Lets just not try to copy someone else's lifestyle.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
The Survival of the Americans
We here in America, as a whole, are no longer a unified people. Unified by a common nationalistic feeling, but we lack the cooperation and feeling of unification that existed over 100 years ago. People were unified by something we take for granted completely when we think about the greatness of the USA. USA was an experiment done by the founding fathers. ALL OF WHICH WERE STRONGLY GOD FEARING. Our system of government is destined for success if we are all God-Fearing or at least have the integrity of a true and honorable Christian. Yet we have people running our government who fear only losing power and money. Disgraceful...
I am not trying to convert people here, I am saying that if we want to survive, we have to shape up. We cant just be the present-hedonistic people who care only for themselves. We must become caring and responsible citizens again and then we will begin our ascent into superiority once again.
We are the only country based off of Christianity and thus, the only nation that became so powerful so fast. Its Ironic how people who strive only for power neglect the power that is far greater that can come from honest integrity.
I am not trying to convert people here, I am saying that if we want to survive, we have to shape up. We cant just be the present-hedonistic people who care only for themselves. We must become caring and responsible citizens again and then we will begin our ascent into superiority once again.
We are the only country based off of Christianity and thus, the only nation that became so powerful so fast. Its Ironic how people who strive only for power neglect the power that is far greater that can come from honest integrity.
founding fathers,
Friday, December 10, 2010
On the plausibility of Politics...
Sorry I havent been posting for o'er a week, but here is my amelioration, my redemption, my reconciliation, my atonement.
Is there a government that can actually work? No. There is no government that can actually work. Well it depends on what you mean by "work". Work as in the complete power and assurance of position of the leaders is possible like in 1984 by George Orwell or The Prince by Machiavelli.
But work as in giving everyone a satisfactory life with little to no corruption. No, that is impossible. It is not my intention to sound like a pessimist, but its time to wake up!
Our governments are filled with people who are making a political CAREER and who are in it for the wealth fame and glory. Obama recently "Hands over the Presidency to Bill Clinton", this obviously shows that he doesnt give a flip about what he needs to do! We have a bunch of people in office who are doing it for fame, comfort and to appease their avarice. Another way to solve this? Government jobs need to pay significantly LESS than private jobs so people do not do it for the money. We see Obama going on half a trillion vacations and spelling 1 and a half trillion dollars and playing golf for a trillion hours, please, this man is not willing to sacrifice his time and comfort for the people of the United States of America.
Self Sacrifice is NEEDED for a leader and a nation to prosper. The problem with government officials is that they want everything fast and now. They dont see that if they just work things in favour of the people that things will go smoothly in the long run.
Next blog post: On the foundations of the USA, why we need to reclaim them to survive.
Is there a government that can actually work? No. There is no government that can actually work. Well it depends on what you mean by "work". Work as in the complete power and assurance of position of the leaders is possible like in 1984 by George Orwell or The Prince by Machiavelli.
But work as in giving everyone a satisfactory life with little to no corruption. No, that is impossible. It is not my intention to sound like a pessimist, but its time to wake up!
Our governments are filled with people who are making a political CAREER and who are in it for the wealth fame and glory. Obama recently "Hands over the Presidency to Bill Clinton", this obviously shows that he doesnt give a flip about what he needs to do! We have a bunch of people in office who are doing it for fame, comfort and to appease their avarice. Another way to solve this? Government jobs need to pay significantly LESS than private jobs so people do not do it for the money. We see Obama going on half a trillion vacations and spelling 1 and a half trillion dollars and playing golf for a trillion hours, please, this man is not willing to sacrifice his time and comfort for the people of the United States of America.
Self Sacrifice is NEEDED for a leader and a nation to prosper. The problem with government officials is that they want everything fast and now. They dont see that if they just work things in favour of the people that things will go smoothly in the long run.
Next blog post: On the foundations of the USA, why we need to reclaim them to survive.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
So theres this new theory and...
I try to keep this blog as unbiased, Religiously and Politically, as I can, but I must admit, Its HARD for me. I slipped up this once.
Stephen Hawking's newest theory states: The universe could have had its rapid expansion with gravity and quantum physics: Quantum physics is: " ...also known as quantum physics or quantum theory, is a branch of physics providing a mathematical description of much of the dual particle-like and wave-like behavior and interactions of energy and matter." Ok well you can't make everything from nothing and Quantum Physics states plainly that you need matter. Ok but thats were gravity comes in right? nope, gravity first off isnt matter, its a force, not even energy. Second off, Gravity doesnt exist in the void of space because Gravity is the interaction of two objects of matter. So Hawkings new theory is extremely flawed in every way shape and form. There is no matter to start out with, hence making gravity non-existant and making quantum physics unapplicable. I am constantly showing time and time again that evolution itself is so absurd that it makes these intelligent men and women absurd themselves. This and other pieces of junk these "scientists" try to throw at us is simply making me become stronger in my faith. To me it sounds like Hawkings is trying to throw together some big fancy words in an attempt to convince the plebic society that the dying theory, that he works so hard to keep alive, is actually true.
Honestly I think its more like the Hypothesis of Evolution and not a theory...but that's another topic.
Again, excuse me for my religiously biased post.
Stephen Hawking's newest theory states: The universe could have had its rapid expansion with gravity and quantum physics: Quantum physics is: " ...also known as quantum physics or quantum theory, is a branch of physics providing a mathematical description of much of the dual particle-like and wave-like behavior and interactions of energy and matter." Ok well you can't make everything from nothing and Quantum Physics states plainly that you need matter. Ok but thats were gravity comes in right? nope, gravity first off isnt matter, its a force, not even energy. Second off, Gravity doesnt exist in the void of space because Gravity is the interaction of two objects of matter. So Hawkings new theory is extremely flawed in every way shape and form. There is no matter to start out with, hence making gravity non-existant and making quantum physics unapplicable. I am constantly showing time and time again that evolution itself is so absurd that it makes these intelligent men and women absurd themselves. This and other pieces of junk these "scientists" try to throw at us is simply making me become stronger in my faith. To me it sounds like Hawkings is trying to throw together some big fancy words in an attempt to convince the plebic society that the dying theory, that he works so hard to keep alive, is actually true.
Honestly I think its more like the Hypothesis of Evolution and not a theory...but that's another topic.
Again, excuse me for my religiously biased post.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Are we Lazy or Simply Simple?
As I notice, I look at the labels of everything...such as books, and movies, and cars, and foods, and body products and everything in between. Many of them these days have a common factor...They are all very short names. Big movies such as Avatar, Inception, Hereafter, I mean they are all one word long! Books such as Eclipse, Eldest. We are surrounded by one word titles...Now this is a blog post on questions! I need your input, I can't make up my mind if the society is becoming more:
(1) Lazy
(2) Simple
(3) Complacent
(4) Comfortable
(5) Stupid
Tell me what you think! ^_^
(1) Lazy
(2) Simple
(3) Complacent
(4) Comfortable
(5) Stupid
Tell me what you think! ^_^
Monday, November 29, 2010
Greatness?? What your History teachers don't tell you!
Ok, here are some examples of societies that were built up to become conquerors of all or much of the known world...:
Genghis Khan and the Mongol Horde
Alexander the Great the Macedonian Prince
Adolf Hitler The German Totaltarian
Charles V and the Spanish-Holy Roman Empire
The Empire of the Persians
The Empire of the Egyptians
The Empire of the Romans and Byzantines
Hirohito and the Japanese Empire
I am going to go through each one and show two big things in common with them...
BIG THING NUMBER ONE: The Empires were built up by WARFARE
Genghis Khan swept in with death and fear leading the way, ditto to nearly all the other empires up there. They built themselves up by looking all mean and bad. They kept their provinces and subjects in order by threats and fear. They were essentially bullys and eventually the nerds they picked on, struck back.
BIG THING NUMBER TWO: The country of origin for these empires are either bad off now, or were earlier.
I am gonna make this fast but try to follow me: *GDP is Gross Domestic Product, Annual income on average per working person*
Genghis Khan originated from Mongolia, conquered all the way to Poland and Hungary, including all of Asia. Now... Mongolia is a country of 2.5 Million people and a GDP of only$1,500...thats not really very prosperous.
Alexander the Great started in Macedonia and conquered the known world east of the Etruscans. Macedonia is now a South Eastern European lower tier country of only 2 Million people and a GDP of $4,500...that is still really bad. It is neither been accepted in the EU and is struggling to become part of NATO.
Spain is not as bad as Mongolia or Macedonia but it is a definite lesser power of Europe. It has the current worst unemployment rate among European countries and the USA, it has a projected $4,000 decrease in GDP for upcoming years. Charles V had once had it built up to control most of the New World, and a good portion of Western Europe, most of Central Europe and Southern Italy.
Persia once had most of the known world, now, the country known as Iran is all that is left, a war-torn country that has made enemies with all sorts of organizations, neighbors and other powers. It has a small GDP of $4,750 and 74 and a half Million people who are not content.
Egypt, once the world superpower, the world would bow to Egypt in ancient times. But now?? A third-world nation barely making it on their own in Northern Africa. They got beat up by tiny Israel in 6 days. And a very low $2,750 GDP.
Nations that are not as bad off right now could be Italy, Japan and Germany. Rome, after the fall of the Empire was in ruins, torn by barbarians and vagabonds. Later it had a revival of the Renaissance, only to fall into a mess of quabbling city states who sought for more power. It then consistently decreased and was a poor nation up to WWII and afterwards gradually has been inclining and returning with power.
Germany was once, after Hitler and the Nazi reign, was broken and beaten. Their people were unhappy and many were enslaved otherwise. Germany now is in much better state than previously, but after WWII was not even a unified country and took a while to stand on its feet again.
Japan? Well several hundred thousand people being nuked and killed is most certainly not an increase in prosperity. They were broken and economically destitute. They now have a top 5 economy in the world and are prospering greatly, yet they have upset many neighbors like Taiwan, China, and Russia.
Another thing to notice is that two empires that have been broken down slightly and are still alive and prospering (Russia and China) Were/are/will be built on communism...scary thought.
Hence, dont be a bully or else it may cost you ^_^
Please, post your comments.
Genghis Khan and the Mongol Horde
Alexander the Great the Macedonian Prince
Adolf Hitler The German Totaltarian
Charles V and the Spanish-Holy Roman Empire
The Empire of the Persians
The Empire of the Egyptians
The Empire of the Romans and Byzantines
Hirohito and the Japanese Empire
I am going to go through each one and show two big things in common with them...
BIG THING NUMBER ONE: The Empires were built up by WARFARE
Genghis Khan swept in with death and fear leading the way, ditto to nearly all the other empires up there. They built themselves up by looking all mean and bad. They kept their provinces and subjects in order by threats and fear. They were essentially bullys and eventually the nerds they picked on, struck back.
BIG THING NUMBER TWO: The country of origin for these empires are either bad off now, or were earlier.
I am gonna make this fast but try to follow me: *GDP is Gross Domestic Product, Annual income on average per working person*
Genghis Khan originated from Mongolia, conquered all the way to Poland and Hungary, including all of Asia. Now... Mongolia is a country of 2.5 Million people and a GDP of only$1,500...thats not really very prosperous.
Alexander the Great started in Macedonia and conquered the known world east of the Etruscans. Macedonia is now a South Eastern European lower tier country of only 2 Million people and a GDP of $4,500...that is still really bad. It is neither been accepted in the EU and is struggling to become part of NATO.
Spain is not as bad as Mongolia or Macedonia but it is a definite lesser power of Europe. It has the current worst unemployment rate among European countries and the USA, it has a projected $4,000 decrease in GDP for upcoming years. Charles V had once had it built up to control most of the New World, and a good portion of Western Europe, most of Central Europe and Southern Italy.
Persia once had most of the known world, now, the country known as Iran is all that is left, a war-torn country that has made enemies with all sorts of organizations, neighbors and other powers. It has a small GDP of $4,750 and 74 and a half Million people who are not content.
Egypt, once the world superpower, the world would bow to Egypt in ancient times. But now?? A third-world nation barely making it on their own in Northern Africa. They got beat up by tiny Israel in 6 days. And a very low $2,750 GDP.
Nations that are not as bad off right now could be Italy, Japan and Germany. Rome, after the fall of the Empire was in ruins, torn by barbarians and vagabonds. Later it had a revival of the Renaissance, only to fall into a mess of quabbling city states who sought for more power. It then consistently decreased and was a poor nation up to WWII and afterwards gradually has been inclining and returning with power.
Germany was once, after Hitler and the Nazi reign, was broken and beaten. Their people were unhappy and many were enslaved otherwise. Germany now is in much better state than previously, but after WWII was not even a unified country and took a while to stand on its feet again.
Japan? Well several hundred thousand people being nuked and killed is most certainly not an increase in prosperity. They were broken and economically destitute. They now have a top 5 economy in the world and are prospering greatly, yet they have upset many neighbors like Taiwan, China, and Russia.
Another thing to notice is that two empires that have been broken down slightly and are still alive and prospering (Russia and China) Were/are/will be built on communism...scary thought.
Hence, dont be a bully or else it may cost you ^_^
Please, post your comments.
Adolf Hitler,
Alexander the Great,
Charles V,
Genghis Khan,
Friday, November 26, 2010
Office Philosophy
Office Philosophy Video <<<CLICK ME Just felt that maybe some of you might want some Office Philosophy--Click the link, I absolutely love this comic strip and the dog is by far my favorite!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Super Leo!!
So there is an exhibit in town about Leonardo Da Vinci. His feats and accomplishments are extensive and amazing. I got to wondering though, why dont we have any geniuses like Leo in today's New Renaissance? The answer is, is that we do! Leonardo's Renaissance was an era of self-aggrandizement and he was the one genius of the Renaissance who devoted his work not simply for his self benefit. He was the lone genius that gained the such high amounts of accreditation among other world genius throughout history.
Today we have billions of more people than there were in the first renaissance and our minds have changed so that we are focused more on the benefit of everyone, rather than ones self. Hence we have many more geniuses so not just one genius gains all the credit and glory bestowed by mankind. So we do have super Leos of our own time, just that we have more than one, is the reason that we dont have any as prominent as
Leonardo da Vinci.
Today we have billions of more people than there were in the first renaissance and our minds have changed so that we are focused more on the benefit of everyone, rather than ones self. Hence we have many more geniuses so not just one genius gains all the credit and glory bestowed by mankind. So we do have super Leos of our own time, just that we have more than one, is the reason that we dont have any as prominent as
Leonardo da Vinci.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Productivity Series--part 5: Family
(Family is a suppoint of Time)
So when you think of your family, think about their status. Are they poor? Wealthy? Well fed? Starving? There are all sorts of other questions you could ask yourself, but how they are right now, is probably due to productivity based on families. If a certain family has gone through divorce, then cooperation will not be as high amongst members and thus productivity will decrease. If a family has a certain religion that motivates the family to be strong and united, then the family will work well together and get more work done. The family is like a sports team. You need to be able to work together, pass on burdens to each other, and create a good environment for the children and even the parents. A family is also only as strong as its weakest link, if there is a father that is drunk constantly, then the family will loose a good chunk of valued work.
Now this applies to nations and societies, because if you have a lot of families in a nation, and these families are a large majority of all the families in that nation. And if these families all are hardworking families, then the nation will have a boom of productivity and will prosper as long as those families are still working. Accordingly, if you have families that are lazy, or corrupt, or broken down. Then you will have a nation that is just that: Lazy, corrupt, and broken down.
Families are some of the MOST important things we can experience in life, please, don't mess them up.
So when you think of your family, think about their status. Are they poor? Wealthy? Well fed? Starving? There are all sorts of other questions you could ask yourself, but how they are right now, is probably due to productivity based on families. If a certain family has gone through divorce, then cooperation will not be as high amongst members and thus productivity will decrease. If a family has a certain religion that motivates the family to be strong and united, then the family will work well together and get more work done. The family is like a sports team. You need to be able to work together, pass on burdens to each other, and create a good environment for the children and even the parents. A family is also only as strong as its weakest link, if there is a father that is drunk constantly, then the family will loose a good chunk of valued work.
Now this applies to nations and societies, because if you have a lot of families in a nation, and these families are a large majority of all the families in that nation. And if these families all are hardworking families, then the nation will have a boom of productivity and will prosper as long as those families are still working. Accordingly, if you have families that are lazy, or corrupt, or broken down. Then you will have a nation that is just that: Lazy, corrupt, and broken down.
Families are some of the MOST important things we can experience in life, please, don't mess them up.
Monday, November 22, 2010
New season--New Tasks
(*Here boy, grab a shovel*) >_<
(*Hey, go and crank up the lawn mower will ya?*) >_<
(*Hey, kid, go grab a rake!*) >_<
(*Here boy, grab a shovel*) >_<
(*Hey, go and crank up the lawn mower will ya?*) >_<
(*Hey, kid, go grab a rake!*) >_<
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Productivity Series part 4: Diet
Diet:(Sub-point of Climate)The diet of many cultures will affect the productivity. In Germany they drink beer, not too much though, hence their morale is boosted but not enough where their productivity is harmed much...unlike in Ireland and Scotland...In America we have a very full diet on average, thus, high productivity. Vegetarians miss something in their diet and hence are usually less productive on average. Japanese eat A LOT of fish, which is brain food, and hence we come out with a nation who was totally devastated 50 years ago and now has one of the best world economies. Also, the availability of food helps a lot! If you spend half your time looking for food, then you wont have much other time to be productive.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Productivity Series Part 3 -- Language
There are SO many things that affect productivity in the world: color, language, diet, religion, foundations, families, politics, morale, and more, but I have come to discover that all of these things fall under either Time or Climate. So I am thus now making this productivity series filled with sub-effectors: Today's will be language.
(Language falls under time category) (Colour falls under Language and Morale Categories).
Every language has different words for different things, they are said differently, some languages have more words, some have less, but we all manage to communicate. But because of the differences in languages, some people see things in different ways than others. In the Time video, we noticed that Sicily does not have a way to make a verb future tense. So nothing gets done! Colour also affects the productivity, different languages say colours in different ways. We see purple and blue as two different colours, but some see purple as a shade of blue. This can possibly affect morale, and coordination. Morale, because we get happy when we see certain colours, and if those colours are really just other colours, then things might be more gloomy...or more prosperous.
(Language falls under time category) (Colour falls under Language and Morale Categories).
Every language has different words for different things, they are said differently, some languages have more words, some have less, but we all manage to communicate. But because of the differences in languages, some people see things in different ways than others. In the Time video, we noticed that Sicily does not have a way to make a verb future tense. So nothing gets done! Colour also affects the productivity, different languages say colours in different ways. We see purple and blue as two different colours, but some see purple as a shade of blue. This can possibly affect morale, and coordination. Morale, because we get happy when we see certain colours, and if those colours are really just other colours, then things might be more gloomy...or more prosperous.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Come on guys, lets not fight on Christmas!
In Germany there are "concrete" threats of terrorist attacks that will be launched when the Christmas markets are open. Why must the terrorists be so terrible!? I mean its in the name but, we need to end this...I dont know how, but we as a world, unifyed against this need to put an end to this rampage of terror and fear! Do we want to go down in the history books as another Korean or Vietnam war where we simply stay put and get killed!? NO! I say we charge!!!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Affects on Productivity Part 2
If you liked the first part, this will be great for you! Climate often has an affect on Productivity. When you think of Boston one of the first things that comes to many peoples minds is colleges*. When we think of Los Angeles we think of Hollywood and beaches*. *(I took a poll with people)* So Boston is in New England and L.A. is in the more sub-tropical part of America. San Francisco is often said to have the most perfect climate in America. And it is also known for homosexuals and rich people. People go there to Hawaii to relax, not to work. In Germany(colder climate) they have had many innovative advances such as automobiles and other things in industry and trade and military. Whilst can you name more than three things great to have come out of Spain(more desirable climate) that are still relevant in today's society? The most advanced place in America is New England, that is where all the work gets done.
Why does Climate have an effect on productivity? One good reason brought to my attention was agriculture. In places with a better climate, such as sub-tropical areas like California, you can throw a seed in the soil, anytime in the year and it will grow with minimal care. In the Northwest and New England you need to care and tend for your crops more, and you need to plan exactly when to plant and harvest your crops. or they will not grow to sufficient sizes or will freeze. Another possible reason is that the places with more desirable climates have people that are more attracted to things of material pleasure for one's self. While in working environments the focus is not necessarily on one's self rather it is on society or community as a whole. We all can assume that a full baseball team is more affective than a team of one.
Another interesting side-note is that many of the World's Superpowers are in the Northern Hemisphere and have cooler climates. USA, Russia, Germany, China, UK, Japan.
Please feel free to comment and leave an opinion.
Why does Climate have an effect on productivity? One good reason brought to my attention was agriculture. In places with a better climate, such as sub-tropical areas like California, you can throw a seed in the soil, anytime in the year and it will grow with minimal care. In the Northwest and New England you need to care and tend for your crops more, and you need to plan exactly when to plant and harvest your crops. or they will not grow to sufficient sizes or will freeze. Another possible reason is that the places with more desirable climates have people that are more attracted to things of material pleasure for one's self. While in working environments the focus is not necessarily on one's self rather it is on society or community as a whole. We all can assume that a full baseball team is more affective than a team of one.
Another interesting side-note is that many of the World's Superpowers are in the Northern Hemisphere and have cooler climates. USA, Russia, Germany, China, UK, Japan.
Please feel free to comment and leave an opinion.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
This is the first post on a series on productivity:
Oh my word, this documentary can change your life or at least on how you think about it.
It is 10 minutes long, but you will hear all about the meaning of time the affects of time the value of time and other amazing things. It does not seem 10 minutes it is truly an amazing video, YOU MUST WATCH THIS!!!!!!!
Click me>>> The Secret Powers of Time<<<Click Me!!!
(clicking will not create a new tab)
Unified by the grace of Chicken
"Jews cant eat pork, Muslims cant eat beef, but we all love chicken!" ~Homer Simpson
Why cant there be a unification or a peace of Muslims, Jews and Christians in the Middle East? Well I have two theories that to me make that clear.
According to the story of Abraham, Abraham's oldest son Ishmael and Ishmael's mother, Hagar, were sent away from the family, and Abraham's other son. born of his favored wife, was Issac. The boys hated each other in the end and since then the two ethnic groups have always been fighting.
According to the Muslim Quran, the Muslims must "kill the infidels" and the Jews have pestered them more than anyone else of an opposing religion. Also they are next door neighbors so it makes it easier. Hence
(Radical) Muslims want to kill the Jews.
Why cant there be a unification or a peace of Muslims, Jews and Christians in the Middle East? Well I have two theories that to me make that clear.
According to the story of Abraham, Abraham's oldest son Ishmael and Ishmael's mother, Hagar, were sent away from the family, and Abraham's other son. born of his favored wife, was Issac. The boys hated each other in the end and since then the two ethnic groups have always been fighting.
According to the Muslim Quran, the Muslims must "kill the infidels" and the Jews have pestered them more than anyone else of an opposing religion. Also they are next door neighbors so it makes it easier. Hence
(Radical) Muslims want to kill the Jews.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Seasonal Queen
As every 10 days I change around the blog a bit, share your opinion on the new poll of favorite seasons and check out the featured band: Queen
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Veterans Day Dedication
As we sit here...thinking... thinking about tomorrow's schedule, or maybe today's, your friendships, relationships, family, thinking about what to make for dinner, what to wear to dinner, where to go for dinner, why we eat dinner, how to properly eat dinner, who to eat dinner with, how much dinner to eat, and what to eat tomorrow,
your answers might be:
Roast Beef with Potatoes, possibly something niceish today, Sizzler, because we need food and its a good way to bond. with politeness and silverware, family or friends?, enough but not too much because Im watching my weight, and what about Wild Rice Soup??
A Soldier overseas might answer:
Whatever slop they make me, what I wear everyday, mess hall where else would I go, because it gives the energy to fight, like its your last because it might just be, with your best friends because they might not be there tomorrow, as much as you can, whatever they make me granted that I'm here tomorrow.
Lets not take for granted the food we eat and who gives us the freedom to have it in abundance.
~Thank You Veterans and Current Soldiers fighting overseas~
your answers might be:
Roast Beef with Potatoes, possibly something niceish today, Sizzler, because we need food and its a good way to bond. with politeness and silverware, family or friends?, enough but not too much because Im watching my weight, and what about Wild Rice Soup??
A Soldier overseas might answer:
Whatever slop they make me, what I wear everyday, mess hall where else would I go, because it gives the energy to fight, like its your last because it might just be, with your best friends because they might not be there tomorrow, as much as you can, whatever they make me granted that I'm here tomorrow.
Lets not take for granted the food we eat and who gives us the freedom to have it in abundance.
~Thank You Veterans and Current Soldiers fighting overseas~
Facebookers Anonymous
They are gonna need to make one of these soon. I mean there is:
- More than 500 million active users
- 50% of our active users log on to Facebook in any given day
- Average user has 130 friends
- People spend over 700 billion minutes per month on Facebook
- There are over 900 million objects that people interact with (pages, groups, events and community pages)
- Average user is connected to 80 community pages, groups and events
- Average user creates 90 pieces of content each month
- More than 30 billion pieces of content (web links, news stories, blog posts, notes, photo albums, etc.) shared each month.
- More than 70 translations available on the site
- About 70% of Facebook users are outside the United States
- Over 300,000 users helped translate the site through the translations application
- There are more than 200 million active users currently accessing Facebook through their mobile devices.
- People that use Facebook on their mobile devices are twice as active on Facebook than non-mobile users.
- There are more than 200 mobile operators in 60 countries working to deploy and promote Facebook mobile product
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
A Blizzard of Thought
Presumably any snowflake is different from any other snowflake, but each one either sticks to the others to form a beautiful and entertaining blanket of white, or simply falls on the road and melts. We as humans are all different from each other, and we must make sure that our life's path does not send us to melt into road, serving no purpose, but to cling to life and make the best of it. Note I say best, and that usually does not mean partying frequently and "living your life for fun."
How did this come to be?
My inquiry is, if we refer back to the New Renaissance post, how did this New Renaissance, come to be?? I tried pondering about it and I have drawn a blank, any help would be awesome!
Saturday, November 6, 2010
On random occasions I will give a quote day, people need to comment their FAVORITE quote that IS RELEVANT TO THE GIVEN TOPIC and I will judge the on the one I think is the best on that topic.
TOPIC: Quotes on Eating
Quote On!!!
TOPIC: Quotes on Eating
Quote On!!!
Friday, November 5, 2010
Philosophy on Speech
I have come to the conclusion that ALL speech is the telling of or asking of stories. When you tell someone how your day went, when you ask someone "wassup" when you ask for food, you are telling the person that you are hungry, a story, boring, yet a story nonetheless. -STORIES-
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Ok so it worked but...
The republicans of USA most definitely got the seats in the House they wanted and had good improvements in Senate and very much so in the Governors. Yet it wasnt the epic legendary landslide victory they had anticipated.
Republicans gained: 6 seats in senate (hoped for 8)
60 house seats (hoped for 80)
8 governors (hoped for 5)
Lets see how these next two years turn out with the Obama administration having taken a shot in the leg.
Republicans gained: 6 seats in senate (hoped for 8)
60 house seats (hoped for 80)
8 governors (hoped for 5)
Lets see how these next two years turn out with the Obama administration having taken a shot in the leg.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Monday, November 1, 2010
Well...the time has come
The first 10 days of Info 'fe are over and out, so I want people to throw out what they want in the band bar! Its the music session, cuz we all know that a coffee house without music is simply lame. Comment!!!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Ages of Halloween
So last night a group of estimated 12 and 13 year olds came to the door and presented the traditional "Trick or Treat!!" They were in turn given some chocolate and a "Aren't you a little old for trick or treating??" They replied "No!! Of course not!' I then pondered on the ages of Halloween. As a youngling its all about the costumes and the candy. As an adolescent it is about the socializing and the parties. As a middle aged adult its about giving candy to kids and drenching teenagers. As an elder its just about giving candy. So what does this mean??? That on November 1st people will have stomach aches, hangovers, sleep deprivation and 25$ less or more having run away from the wallet. Even though Halloween is not my favorite holiday, I still find it an amusing and fun day that I am appreciative for. -Happy Halloween!-
Saturday, October 30, 2010
This {_} Equals {________} THIS!
So in swimming, thanks to my wonderful mentors and friends, I have found that a little bit of time shaved off in a race is BIG in swimming. The same principle is applicable to many other things in the world. Just one person protesting against something can snowball into a huge nation-wide scale protest. A little increase of money revenue can multiply to a large sum of cash. So remember, that if you feel that you and your accomplishments are minor and small, that this {_} really equals THIS {______}!!
Friday, October 29, 2010
In the teachings of the Public...
...School, there, as discovered are major parts or influencing factors left out of many history books. I just found out that, due to Christopher Columbus, roughly 1,000,000 Spaniards and Natives perished. Columbus brought the Reconquista to the New World and killed hundereds of thousands. That is like many other things many History Books leave out, like the fact that Genghis Khan is the reason for unity of trade in Europe and Asia, that Jimmy Carter sold the Panama Canal and that Christianity is the foundation of Laws and Morals in the USA. No wonder so many other nations have by far exceeded our youth in intellectual expectations. We gotta do something about the education in America.
Genghis Khan,
Jimmy Carter,
Panama Canal,
Thursday, October 28, 2010
What!? Already!!!??
So I have breached 110 hits to my blog (not counting myself) from people in TWO different countries and Ive been blogging for One Week! This is much better than I expected to get. Thanks for supporting me and please continue to do so! ^_^
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Shortbread Cookie Special!!
The best 4 words in advertising are "Going out of Business." Yet unfortunately we've been seeing that a lot lately. To fix this I propose the following things to fix the economy:
1. We need to make it cheaper to do business. There needs to be less restrictions and hurdles to make trade occur.
2. Patience: If we keep trying to "fix" the economy it will only get worse as we have seen. We simply need to sit down...and wait. Let the economy heal itself.
Yeah, I only have two, but they are pretty good I think, what do you have for ideas to fix the economy??
1. We need to make it cheaper to do business. There needs to be less restrictions and hurdles to make trade occur.
2. Patience: If we keep trying to "fix" the economy it will only get worse as we have seen. We simply need to sit down...and wait. Let the economy heal itself.
Yeah, I only have two, but they are pretty good I think, what do you have for ideas to fix the economy??
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
New Renaissance
Here is how I see the timeline of the Anno Domini Bi Millennium
Rome-Very secular, Religion was even secular.
Medieval Age: Very God orientated, everything was pointed toward religion
(500-1300s approx.)
Renaissance: Very focused on human talents and the build up of society and philosophy, focusing on Rome and Greece
(1300s-mid 1500s approx.)
Enlightenment and Industrial Age: Refocusing on religion as a means of livelihood and purpose. Very pious and strict.
(mid 1500s-mid 1800s)
Modern and Information Age (New Renaissance): We now have entered into a time where material things are of a greater importance to society.
(mid 1800's - Now)
We are transferring back and forth between Religious and Secular eras of time, Its a cycle! Pretty interesting... It is also interesting to think about what will happen next in the cycle and when.
Monday, October 25, 2010
To be loved or to be feared?
I have recently been reading The Prince by Machiavelli, It is an intriguing book, and I encourage you to divulge in its writings. One thing that really just stabbed my hand is that Machiavelli suggests that for a leader or simply one in command, it is better to be feared rather than loved. The way I see it, if you are feared, people build up a sort of awe-inspired love and an honoring love rather than a love of affection. It would make you successful but possibly unhappy. While being loved without a healthy sense of fear is much like a situation in which a loving family with no intention of disciplining a rebellious child is allowed to be pushed over by the child who is ungrateful of the support of the parents. So later Machiavelli, smart man as he was probably thought this through, mentions that you cannot be a successful leader without love, so he says that you must be feared with enough love to not be hated. Its an interesting concept.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Do you realize that when you talk to someone in a conversation of some length, that you and that other person have just pulled off something never before done in history?? Your peers, family, friends, and mentors are one of your main sources for making history, they help mold you and intern you can help mold them. Its a win-win situation. Conversations don't even need to have much meaning to them, because they always will have a definition of bonding and sharing. So I encourage you all today to go talk to friends, family or someone else about everything or nothing in particular.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Dictionary Definition: One who must be able to Master what they say so that their utterings are exactly what they mean and are irrefutable.
Wisdomers are few unfortunately, and I don't consider myself a wisdomer, but I am working on it. Everyone can see different people as wisdomers. I see people such as Louis Giglio, Martin Luther King Jr. Most of our founding fathers in America, Billy Graham, Plato, and Erasmus.
These people are some of the greatest Wisdomers I can think of, off the top of my head. Please, tell me who you would see as a Wisdomer.
Wisdomers are few unfortunately, and I don't consider myself a wisdomer, but I am working on it. Everyone can see different people as wisdomers. I see people such as Louis Giglio, Martin Luther King Jr. Most of our founding fathers in America, Billy Graham, Plato, and Erasmus.
These people are some of the greatest Wisdomers I can think of, off the top of my head. Please, tell me who you would see as a Wisdomer.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Mountains of Sniatnuom
The mountains in the background and on the wee little picture signify the mountains of the mind. In your mind there is so much contortedness and valleys and mountains that, there must be so much unfound profoundness in there. You might say that, I am and encourage you to take a treasure hunt through the mountains of your mind. Many will climb a mountain just to say "I did it!" or "Cuz its there!". Others will climb to find some mystic Tibetan dude, sittin up there legs crossed, and ask him a question. Instead of climbing 6 miles off the safe flat land, just come into the Info 'Fe, Let it be your guru.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Grand Opening
I am an entrepreneur in what I like to call "saying whats on my mind about relevant things in a broad scope" or
"SWOMMARTIABS" I come bearing tidings of philosophy and critique. I open the doors to my new "business" and would welcome all to partake in my ramblings and philosophizing. I will serve courses of all things from politics to merchandise to funny videos to original and authorized philosophies, to infinity and beyond... Here is the Grand Opening, the ribbon has been cut, of the Info 'Fe
"SWOMMARTIABS" I come bearing tidings of philosophy and critique. I open the doors to my new "business" and would welcome all to partake in my ramblings and philosophizing. I will serve courses of all things from politics to merchandise to funny videos to original and authorized philosophies, to infinity and beyond... Here is the Grand Opening, the ribbon has been cut, of the Info 'Fe
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